Want to Improve Conversion Rate of Website? Here are Some UX/UI Tips.

Website development industry is on the boom these days, as the number of online sellers keeps on increasing rapidly and it will continue to grow, with the increased use of smartphones for online shopping. The ever-changing technology allows people to browse online E-Commerce websites on-the-go, which is something every E-Commerce business should use to their advantage. 

Other than constant technology innovations which make it challenging for E-Commerce businesses to remain updated with the latest trends, competition in the market is getting tougher with each passing day, which creates the requirements for regular work towards improving in order stand out from the competition. 

There are a lot of factors important for the success of any E-Commerce website, but the only factor which plays an important role is the significance of user experience and user interface. 

Great user experience is an important component for every successful E-Commerce website, so you should always look to provide your potential and existing customers with the best possible user experience whenever they are going to visit your website. According to Statista.com, 40% of visitors will leave the website if it does not have the best user experience and will never look back at it again.  

By providing the best user experience to your customers, they will not only spend more time in your E-Commerce website and will be compelled to make the purchase, but they will also come back to see the new offers. Therefore, providing the best user experience will help you in boosting your conversion rate and sales, thus helping you in generating more revenue and improve your Return on Investment(ROI). 

In this post, we will discuss UX/UI tips for E-Commerce websites to boost conversion rates. 

Create Unforgettable First Impression 

More often than not, the first impression becomes the last impression, so you need to make sure that your website’s visitors make the best possible first impression the moment they will come to visit your website to check out what all you have to offer. 

Your website design is very crucial for first impressions, so make sure that everything is easy to use and clearly visible. Your E-Commerce website must be easy to navigate and you should avoid all types of clutters at all costs. The less is more over here, so a simply designed website is the way to go. 

A responsive website design is very important for your customer’s user experience since many of them are using smartphones and tablets to browse your E-Commerce website. By integrating responsive elements in your E-Commerce web application, you will provide your smartphone users with a seamless experience while checking out your website. This will result in them being satisfied with your service, and it will certainly compel them to come back again and do business with you. 

Implementing Only High-Quality Images 

A picture is worth a thousand words and in this case, the statement is so much true. Your customers will not touch the product, so it is important that you provide them with professional and high-quality images which will perfectly show your products and all of its features. 

You should make sure that your product images are engaging and visually appealing and that they are showcasing your products in a best possible way. Also, make sure to integrate zooming or lightbox functionality, so that your customers can see large zoomed versions of your product images. 

People usually remember 80% of what they see and 20% of what they read, so do make sure the images you are going use or implement into your E-Commerce website should be eye-catching so that you can generate more quality leads and convert them into your customers. 

Implementation of high-quality images in your E-Commerce website will result in a better user experience, helping you in enlarging your customer base and increases your sales and conversion rates, and ultimately helps in generating more revenue. 

Improving Navigation of Your E-Commerce Website 

Your entire E-Commerce website development should be easy to navigate in order for your customers to easily find exactly what they are looking for. They need to able to browse through your website without any need for possible directions. 

If your customers have to escape the hurdles in order to find their way out, they will definitely leave your website and go on to your competitor’s one. That is easy-to-use navigation is very important for the success of your E-Commerce website, so you are required to make it as simple as possible. 

If you manage to do that, you will improve your customer’s user experience in a great way and reduces your bounce rates. Therefore, it significantly increases your E-Commerce website conversion rates. 

You can make the navigation a lot easier for your potential customers by adding “Recently Viewed” tab on your product web page since they will not search for the product they viewed previously. You know how frustrating and irritating that can be, so a “Recently Viewed” tab will ease the process for your potential customer and will result in a better user experience.  

Furthermore, you can also add “What’s New” tab in your E-Commerce website development, since it will not only help your customers to check out the new products without needing to search through the older ones. However, it will also provide you with the great way to promote and display your new products for new offers. 

By splitting your new products from the older ones, you will be able to tempt your customers to check them out, as it will easily grab the user attention. 


By following these above-mentioned tips, you will definitely manage to improve the user experience and user interface of your E-Commerce website and transform it into the main source of revenue which brings good quality conversions and leads. You should always remember that user experience is the important element for building a strong customer base and increasing your sales. Therefore, make sure you always work towards providing your customers with great quality services in order to improve the user experience and get all the positive results. 

To read more related to web application development services please refer: https://www.sp-assurance.com/blogs


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